Tuesday, June 8, 2010

WEEK THIRTEEN: Presentation


Model- Scale 1:200


Drawings of Rooms

Floor Plans- Scale 1:100


Section- Scale 1:100

Detail Drawing- Scale 1:20

WEEK TWELVE: Perspectives

We have developed drawings of each of our rooms to portray our ideas for the spaces.
Room of Intimacy
Room of Echoes

Room of Shadows

Room of Ruins

Public Access/ Study Area

Main Foyer
Dr. Caligari Room

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

WEEK ELEVEN: Updated Plan Drawings

The final plans have been established. These are the rough initial drawings of our final spacial layout.

Ground Floor Tram Shed

First Floor Tram Shed

Ground Floor Theatre

First Floor Theatre

Friday, May 14, 2010

WEEK TEN: Library Development

We have established our layouts and floorplans and drawn some perspectives to portaray spacial arrangements and ideas for the rooms.

Floor Plans

Perspective Sketches

Room Of Ruins:
  • Bookshelves start from tallest progressing to shortest
  • Bookselves start close together and become more and more spaced
  • Room depletes>> Wastes away
  • It maintains its original condition (run down with depleting shelves)
Public Research Study Space:
  • Very modern feel (smooth, solid, new)
  • Contrasts with the room of ruins
  • Gives the feeling of the future looking into the past
  • A glass window overlooking the room of ruins

  • Maintains the modern appearance that the Public Research Study Space posesses
  • Gives a modern feel which emphasises the room of ruins and its origional condition
Dr. Calligari Reading Room:
  • Overwhelming bright lights
  • Many opennings
  • Similar aspects from previous Dr. Caligari room

Sunday, May 9, 2010

WEEK NINE: the beginings of our library..

During the Studio Class we begain to experiement with the spacial layout of the library and relationships between the individual rooms.
We created a scale model (1:200) to explore different arrangements of each room.
Initial Model Arrangement.
Final Model Arrangement.

We have distributated the rooms between the two of us, separating them into two areas and plan to explore and develop each area tor the studio next week.

Jasmin's Rooms

Hannah's Rooms
Our hard work during week nine's studio class.